Eastern WDA (1Q 2016) |
All Industry |
Estimated employment | 190 |
Mean wage | $76,423 |
Entry wage | $56,257 |
10th percentile wage | $53,548 |
50th percentile wage | $67,817 |
90th percentile wage | $116,197 |
 | Top Employing Industries |
Industry | Employment / Percent |
Education and Health Services | 190 | 100% |
Top Paying Industries |
Industry | Employment / Median Wage |
Education and Health Services | 190 | $67,817 |
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Education Teachers, Postsecondary (25-1081) |
Teach courses pertaining to education, such as counseling, curriculum, guidance, instruction, teacher education, and teaching English as a second language. Include both teachers primarily engaged in teaching and those who do a combination of both teaching and research. |
Mean Wage History |
Year | This Occupation | Compared to Occupational Group | Difference |
Current | $67816.81 | | $54886.09 |
| $12930.72 | 2015 | $66094.48 | +2.6% | $53492.16 |
+2.6% | $12602.32 | 2014 | $64856.55 | +1.9% | $52490.27 |
+1.9% | $12366.28 | 2013 | $63618.63 | +1.9% | $51488.38 |
+1.9% | $12130.25 | 2012 | $62380.70 | +2.0% | $50486.49 |
+2.0% | $11894.21 | 2011 | $61411.89 | +1.6% | $49702.40 |
+1.6% | $11709.49 | 2010 | $60335.43 | +1.8% | $48831.20 |
+1.8% | $11504.24 | 2009 | $59689.56 | +1.1% | $48308.47 |
+1.1% | $11381.09 | 2008 | $57913.40 | +3.1% | $46870.98 |
+3.1% | $11042.42 | 2007 | $55975.78 | +3.5% | $45302.80 |
+3.5% | $10672.98 |
Year | This Occupation | Compared to All Occupations | Difference |
Current | $67816.81 | | $42694.83 |
| $25121.98 | 2015 | $66094.48 | +2.6% | $41500.33 |
+2.9% | $24594.15 | 2014 | $64856.55 | +1.9% | $40612.99 |
+2.2% | $24243.56 | 2013 | $63618.63 | +1.9% | $39793.90 |
+2.1% | $23824.72 | 2012 | $62380.70 | +2.0% | $39111.33 |
+1.7% | $23269.37 | 2011 | $61411.89 | +1.6% | $38497.02 |
+1.6% | $22914.87 | 2010 | $60335.43 | +1.8% | $37848.57 |
+1.7% | $22486.86 | 2009 | $59689.56 | +1.1% | $37336.65 |
+1.4% | $22352.91 | 2008 | $57913.40 | +3.1% | $36381.05 |
+2.6% | $21532.36 | 2007 | $55975.78 | +3.5% | $35220.68 |
+3.3% | $20755.10 |
Reference Date: 1st Quarter 2016 |
Top Areas For This Occupation |
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